This is how I see the new normal starting

Blog first published 26 May 2020

This January, I started studying Posthumanism and Design Perspective at HDK-Valand a “vegan bitch” Thomas Laurien as the professor. Needless to say, I’ve been super excited about the theme and applying it to real life situations in various ways. According to the course description:

“This course invites designers to explore how a posthumanist perspective could influence their work in response to the existential challenges brought about by man-made environmental disaster. In the course you will develop your own design project and explore how you as a designer can contribute and relate to emerging transdisciplinary fields influenced by posthumanism such as the Environmental Humanities.

In your own project, you will critically examine how design and the posthumanist perspective can affect issues relating to environmental sustainability. These include the exploitation of natural resources, the maintenance of viable ecosystems, interspecies justice, how norms affect the relationship between humans and the environment, and how design influences people's impact on the environment.”

When I started my project, my focus was on a park in Helsinki which I found to be designed with a very posthuman, alien, story as a guideline. During the course I however realised that there was a real unexpected alien Covid-19 that had disturbed the human life. I went like: “Wow, that was fast!”

So, I could work with a real life experience and I asked: “How can an unexpected alien impact the human”being”?


Could we have ever imagined to live like this? Social distancing from the important people of our lives, locking ourselves down in our own homes, some of us with our families, some with pets and some alone with furniture and Netflix. We humans are social and wired to connect with others.

Some lost their jobs, some experienced a hit on professional identity and confidence. Some started questioning their own identities and the norms that lead realities. Simultaneously, the kettlebell market was blooming and wellness trend emerged. Online yoga services were springing up like mushroom in the rain.

Above all - many of us humans went into our deepest edges to explore what we’re ready to let go and what we’re ready to welcome into our lives. You might’ve also gone to the woods to find peace and calm. You might’ve started those kettlebell trainings or other way to take care of your mind, body and soul.


Many if not all of the summer festivals in the world are cancelled this year. So how do we festival? In my project, I used the concept of a festival in a different context as we often know it. Festival is known as a social celebration that brings people together with music, food and fun. But I’m disrupting it! Ha! I love disruption and this time I’m taking the festival into a more individual level. Read along and you’ll know how.

KAPALO for personal transformation festival.


In this project I’m suggesting that a transformational festival is held in an individual level inside a KAPALO, a swaddle, that will give you a place, time and space for your inner connection. During your inner experience you can connect with yourself and the nature within you - and experience an inner transformation. The festival within is like a meditation retreat, just for you. It allows you to be reborn in yourself, shed your thoughts, mindsets, perceptions and tune into the new being for the new world. New world that each of us are individually creating but together. KAPALO offers a safe space for sometimes messy and painful inner transformation when you let go, release and welcome the truth.

“Experience you as nature”

You can place the KAPALO wherever you are. Preferably in a peaceful spot, in the woods, by the sea, your garden or your terrace. The white colour has an effect on consciousness. It brings you visible and vulnerable. We often hide our truth and ourselves. KAPALO and your personal transformational festival will allow you to be just who you are. Thought the veil you can see the world and the reality in a natureculture way - you are nature. It’s the only way you can start living your own truth and create a more sustainable and impactful future.

Click on the video below.